

单词 bathyorographical




bathy- + orographical


bathyorographical (not comparable)

  1. Of, embodying, or pertaining to elevation heights and pelagic depths.
    • 1916, William le Queux, The Zeppelin Destroyer: Being some Chapters of Secret History, The Library of Alexandria, (unpaginated)
      We were upon what the bathyorographical map of England terms “The Forest Ridge,” which lies between the North Downs and the sea.
    • 2014, V. Gordon Childe, The Prehistory Of Scotland, Routledge - Taylor & Francis Group - London and New York, page 1
      If they are not, they can easily be grasped by a study of a bathyorographical map. That will at once show that Scotland is divided—not very effectively— from the rest of Britain by the ridge of the Cheviots running north-east to south-west.
    • 2010, Malcolm Pasley, Nietzsche: Imagery and Thought: A Collection of Essays, Routledge, (unpaginated)
      The chapter 'The Wanderer' fully reflects a tragic, manic depressive temperament in bathyorographical imagery.
    • 1775, Samuel Johnson, ‎Queen Victoria, ‎Neil Munro, Journeys in Scotland: Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland - Leaves from the Journal of our Life in the Highlands - The Clyde: River and Firth, (unpaginated)
      As we see from Tinto, it is not far from Culter to Biggar, which is on a totally different watershed, and does not figure on the bathyorographical map of the Clyde at all.
    • 1966, Kazimierz Demel, Stanisław Rutkowicz, The Barents Sea (Morze Barentsa) Scientific Publications Foreign Cooperation Center of the Central Institute for Scientific, Technical and Economic Information, page 21
      The geology of the Barents Sea can be learned from, on one hand, the bathyorographical map and, on the other, from the geological structure of the lands enclosing the Sea which, being a shelf or epicontinental sea.




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