

单词 покъ




покъ (poq)

  1. shit, feces
    Ол адам тюгюл, бир уллу покъ
    Ol adam tügül, bir ullu poq
    He is not a [decent] man but an asswole
    (literally, “He is not a human being, a big shit”)
    Ол покъгъа да ярамай
    Ol poqğa da yaramay
    He is not capable of anything, he is a good-for-nothing
    (literally, “He isn't even good enough for shit”)
    Ону къолундан бир покъда гелмей
    Onu qolundan bir poqda gelmey
    He is not capable of anything, he is a good-for-nothing
    (literally, “He doesn't accomplish a shit”)
    Ону арты покъ
    Onu artı poq
    He has a finger in the pie
    (literally, “His tail is shit”)
    Ону ишлери покъ
    Onu işleri poq
    His situation is very bad
    (literally, “His situation is shit”)
    Покъ ашамай тур!
    Poq aşamay tur!
    1) Don't be foolish!; 2) Don't push it too far! 3) Don't look for troubles!
    (literally, “Don't eat shit!”)
    Бары да бир покъ
    Barı da bir poq
    They are all cut from the same cloth, they are all the same
    (literally, “They are all one shit”)
  2. rubbish, garbage, litter


nominativeпокъ (poq)покълар (poqlar)
accusativeпокъну (poqnu)покъланы (poqlanı)
dativeпокъгъа (poqğa)покълагъа (poqlağa)
locativeпокъда (poqda)покъларда (poqlarda)
ablativeпокъдан (poqdan)покълардан (poqlardan)
genitiveпокъну (poqnu)покъланы (poqlanı)

Derived terms

  • покъбурун (poqburun)

Further reading

  • покъ in Kumyksko-russkij slovarʹ, 2013




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