

单词 по


See also: По, ПО, по-, and Appendix:Variations of "po"


Etymology 1

From Proto-Slavic *po.


  • (unstressed) IPA(key): [pɔ]


по (po)

  1. used to indicate movement over a surface or movement bound to certain limits (usually continuous or repeating in time), on, over, through, along
    Вървя по улицата.
    Vǎrvja po ulicata.
    I am walking on the street.
  2. introducing the object of a targeted action or for an action related to certain state, on, over, for
    Потупах го по рамото.
    Potupah go po ramoto.
    I tapped him on the shoulder.
    Ударих го по главата.
    Udarih go po glavata.
    I hit him on/over the head.
    Тъгувам по лятото.
    Tǎguvam po ljatoto.
    I long for the summer.
  3. in conjunction with countable nouns for price or quantity, expressing quantity, expressing distribution, by
    По евро за книга.
    Po evro za kniga.
    A euro for a book.
    Двама по двама.
    Dvama po dvama.
    Two by two.
    Тичам по малко (всеки ден).
    Tičam po malko (vseki den).
    I am running a little (every day).
  4. expressing approximate time
    По обед.
    Po obed.
    Around lunchtime.
    По Коледа.
    Po Koleda.
    Around Christmas.
  5. used to describe attire, in, with ... on
    Ходя по чорапи.
    Hodja po čorapi.
    I am walking in my socks.
  6. used to indicate means, by, via, on
    Пращам го по автобус.
    Praštam go po avtobus.
    I am sending it by bus.
    Пращам го по въздушна поща.
    Praštam go po vǎzdušna pošta.
    I am sending it via airmail.
    Говоря по телефона.
    Govorja po telefona.
    I am talking on the phone.
  7. indicating an activity or it's domain, of
    Учител по история.
    Učitel po istorija.
    History teacher.
    Факултет по физика.
    Fakultet po fizika.
    Faculty of physics.
  8. according to, based on, by, of
    Съдя го по външността му.
    Sǎdja go po vǎnšnostta mu.
    I am judging him by his appearance.
    Работя по усмотрение.
    Rabotja po usmotrenie.
    I work of my own accord.
  9. used to indicate cause, by
    Пропуснато е по погрешка.
    Propusnato e po pogreška.
    It is missed by mistake.
    По негова вина закъснях.
    Po negova vina zakǎsnjah.
    It is his fault I was late.
  10. used to indicate direction, along
    Плувам по течението.
    Pluvam po tečenieto.
    I am swimming along the current.
    Ходя по пътеката.
    Hodja po pǎtekata.
    I am walking along the path.


  • (stressed) IPA(key): [pɔ]


по́- (pó-)

  1. used as a prefix to form comparative for adjectives and adverbs, more
    Корабите са по-бавни от самолетите.
    Korabite sa po-bavni ot samoletite.
    Ships are slower than airplanes.
    Този филм е по-интересен.
    Tozi film e po-interesen.
    This film is more interesting.
    Трябва да ходя по-бързо.
    Trjabva da hodja po-bǎrzo.
    I should walk faster.

по́ ()

  1. used for nouns, verbs and other parts of speech to form a comparative, more
    По́ я обичам!
    ja običam!
    I love her more!
    Той е по́ юнак от теб.
    Toj e junak ot teb.
    He is more of a hero than you.
  2. used before prepositions to form a comparative, more, further
    Областта е по́ на север.
    Oblastta e na sever.
    The region is further to the north.

See also

  • повече (poveče)



From Proto-Slavic *po.


  • IPA(key): [pɔ]
  • Rhymes:


по (po)

  1. after
    Ќе се вратат по вечерата.Ḱe se vratat po večerata.They'll return after dinner.
  2. on (movement along a surface)
    Одам по улицата.Odam po ulicata.I'm walking on the street.
  3. by (distributive)
    Влезете еден по еден.Vlezete eden po eden.Enter one by one.
  4. times
    Два по два е четири.Dva po dva e četiri.Two times two is four.
  5. (colloquial) according to
    По тебе, што ќе се случи следно?Po tebe, što ḱe se sluči sledno?According to you, what's going to happen next?
  6. wearing
    Излегува по кратки ракави.Izleguva po kratki rakavi.He goes out wearing short sleeves.
  7. in pursuit of, in order to acquire
    Отиде на пазар по пиперки.Otide na pazar po piperki.He went to the marketplace to get peppers.

Old Church Slavonic


From Proto-Slavic *po.


по (po)

  1. along
  2. on
  3. after
  4. by


  • Mali staroslavensko-hrvatski rječnik, Matica hrvatska, Zagreb, 2004



Inherited from Proto-Slavic *po, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂pó.


  • IPA(key): [pə]
  • IPA(key): [pɐ] (before a stressed syllable)
  • IPA(key): [ˈpo] (when stressed)
  • (file)


по (po)

  1. with accusative case
    1. up to
    2. till
    3. indicates distribution (with numerals other than one, a thousand, a million, a billion, a trillion, etc. and compound numerals ending these words)
      по́ два (две)/ по две́сти dva (dve) / po dvéstitwo / two hundred each
  2. with dative case
    1. along
    2. over
    3. around
    4. about
    5. on
      плытьпо реке́plytʹ po rekéto swim in a river
    6. according to
    7. showing the cause that is unwanting or unwilling (see из-за usage notes for more detail)
    8. indicates the direct object of some verbs of striking or hitting
      нанести́ уда́рпо я́дерным объе́ктам Ира́наnanestí udár po jádernym obʺjéktam Iránato launch a strike at Iran's nuclear ambitions
    9. indicates repetition of time
      по четверга́мpo četvergámon Thursdays (every Thursday)
    10. indicates distribution (with numerals one, a thousand, a million, a billion, a trillion, etc. and compound numerals ending in these words)
      по одному́ (одно́й)/ по ты́сяче/ по миллио́ну/ по миллиа́рдуpo odnomú (odnój) / po týsjače / po milliónu / po milliárduone / a thousand / a million / a billion each
  3. with prepositional case
    1. on, immediately after
      по прие́здеpo prijézdeon arrival
    2. for
      носи́ть траурпо нёмnosítʹ traur po njombe in mourning for him
    3. to the liking of
      по нёмpo njomto his liking

Usage notes

  • When used with numerals in a distributive sense, the following should be noted:
    • The case of the numeral is the dative for the numerals one, a thousand, a million, a billion, a trillion, etc. and compound numerals ending in these words, e.g. twenty-one, but the accusative inanimate (even with animate nouns) for the remainder.
      Я дал импо пя́ть рубле́й.Ja dal im po pjátʹ rubléj.I gave them five rubles each.
      Я дал импо двадцати́ одному́ рублю́.Ja dal im po dvadcatí odnomú rubljú.I gave them twenty-one rubles each.
      Мы отпра́вилипо три́ челове́ка.My otprávili po trí čelovéka.We sent three men each. (note, not animate *трёх)
    • The case of an associated noun, if any, follows the normal rules for the numeral (dative singular for one and compounds ending in one; genitive singular for two, three, four and compounds ending in these numerals; and genitive plural in all other cases).
    • With два (dva), три (tri), сто (sto) (but not compounds ending in these numerals), the stress is optionally drawn onto по:
      Я дал импо́ два/по два́ рубля́.Ja dal im pó dva/po dvá rubljá.I gave them two rubles each.
  • по ме́ре того́ как (po mére tovó kak)


Etymology 1

From пол, from Proto-Slavic *polъ. See по-.

Alternative forms

  • по̑л


  • IPA(key): /pôː/


по̑ (Latin spelling )

  1. half
    сат и поhour and a half
    четири и поfour thirty
    чов(ј)ек и поan excellent man

Etymology 2

From Proto-Slavic *po, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂(e)po.


  • IPA(key): /pô/


по̏ (Latin spelling )

  1. (+ accusative case) for
    отићи по мл(иј)екоto go and get the milk
    по ц(иј)ели данall day long
    по шести путfor the sixth time
    бити штетан по некога/нештоto be harmful for sb/sth
    добро/лоше по његаgood/bad for him
  2. (+ locative case) over, through, across, in, on
    ударити по главиto hit on the head
    сн(иј)ег је пао по цестиsnow fell on the road
    вода се пролила по подуwater spilled over the floor
    шетати по шумиto walk in the woods
  3. (+ locative case) by, with, through (using an intermediary or medium)
    Послао сам му пакет по заједничком пријатељу.I've sent him a package via a mutual friend.
    по зраку/водиby air/water
  4. (+ locative case) by, according to
    све иде по плануeverything is going according to the plan
    Америка је прва држава по богатству у св(иј)ету.America is the richest country in the world.
    по глави становникаper capita
    жив(ј)ети по принципимаto live according to principles
    по мом(е) мишљењуin my opinion
    по мом рачунуby my reckoning
    по мениin my opinion; as far as I'm concerned
    свирати по слухуto play by ear
    судити по вањштиниto judge by appearance
  5. (+ locative case) after
    по свршетку сукобаafter (the end of) the conflict
  6. (+ locative case) during
    по киши/сунцуin the rain/sun
    по дануduring the day
  7. (+ locative case) in miscellaneous senses in various phrasal constructs
    разум(иј)е се (само) по себиit goes without saying
    нека буде по твомеlet it be your way
    једнак по величиниequal in size
    све је по старомeverything is/goes in the accustomed/usual manner
    по обичајуas usual, according to custom
    по вр(иј)едностиin value
    по свој прилициin all likelihood
    по родуby birth
    по нарави/природиin nature
    по тој ц(иј)ениat this price
    по параграфу 13under section 13
    по што по тоby all means
    по могућностиif possible
    по редуin order, one after another
    по мом укусу(according) to my taste
    по квалитетиby quality
    по томеaccording to this/that, accordingly, consequently, then
    по законуaccording to the law, by the law
    по дуљиниlengthwise


по (Latin spelling po)

  1. (+ accusative case or nominative case) denoting distribution and succession; by, per, each, apiece
    Попили смо сви по чашицу ракије.We all drank a glass of rakija each.
    корак по коракstep by step
    један по једанone by one
    трипут по сатуthree times per hour
    Cви смо добили по јабуку.Each of us received an apple.


  • по” in Hrvatski jezični portal
  • по” in Hrvatski jezični portal



From Proto-Turkic *bu(-n) (this). Compare Old Turkic 𐰉𐰆 (bu, this).


по (po)

  1. this

See also

  • кайдығ
  • мендиг, мындығ
  • андығ, эндиг



From Old Persian 𐎱𐎠𐎭 (pād(a)), from Proto-Iranian *pā́dah, from Proto-Indo-Iranian *pā́ts, from Proto-Indo-European *pṓds. Cognate with Sanskrit पद् (pád), Latin pes, German Fuß, English foot.


  • IPA(key): /pɔː/


Iranian Persian
Tajikпо (po)

по (po)

  1. leg, foot


See also

  • пой (poy)

Tundra Nenets


From Proto-Samoyedic *poəj.


по (po)

  1. year




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