

单词 baryon acoustic oscillation

baryon acoustic oscillation



baryon acoustic oscillation (plural baryon acoustic oscillations)

  1. one of the regular periodic fluctuations in the density of the visible baryonic matter of the universe


  • BAO (abbreviation)

Coordinate terms

  • pressure wave
  • sound wave
  • visible matter
  • baryonic matter

Derived terms

  • BAO (abbreviation)
  • baryonic matter

See also

  • large-scale structure
  • cosmic web
  • filament of galaxies / galaxy filament / FoG
  • sheet of galaxies / galaxy sheet / SoG
  • wall of galaxies / galaxy wall / WoG
  • hypercluster / galaxy hypercluster / hypercluster of galaxies / HCl / HClG / HC / HCG
  • supercluster complex / galaxy supercluster complex / complex of superclusters / complex of galaxy superclusters / complex of superclusters of galaxies
  • cluster of superclusters / cluster of galaxy superclusters / cluster of superclusters of galaxies
  • void / cosmic void
  • supervoid / cosmic supervoid
  • inflation / cosmic inflation / inflation theory / inflationary theory / inflationary period




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