

单词 本质
释义 本质本质[běn zhì]1. {哲} (事物的内部联系) essence2. (原来的品质; 素质) nature; innate character; intrinsic quality:本质差别an essential distinction;在本质上at heart;本质方面an essential aspect;非本质方面a nonessential aspect;本质和现象the essence and the outward appearance;透过现象看本质see through the appearance to the essence;这两样东西外表上相同, 但本质上不同。The two things are the same in outward form but different in essence.
常用词组1.本质点 {数} essential point;2.本质光电导体 idiochromatic photoconductor;3.本质光电晶体 idiochromatic crystal;4.本质晶粒度 inherent grain size;5.本质扩张 {数} essential extension;6.本质冒险 essential hazard;7.本质属性 essential attributes;8.本质收敛 essential convergence;9.本质素磺酸盐 Suofonated lignins;10.本质素项 essential prime implicant;11.本质映射 {数} essential mapping;12.本质自伴算子 essentially self-adjoint operator




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