有源频率标准 active frequency standard;
有源: 有源频率标准 active frequency standard;
(整齐有条理) neat; orderly:
(整齐) in good order; neat; tidy:
(敷衍了事)do sth. perfunctorily; do sth. after a fashion:
(文人) cultured or refined person; the educated class
(文件批语) approved for distribution
(文化) culture
(文告) public notice; circular; announcement; circular note:
(文字技巧的造诣) literary skill:
(文字简练的写作风格) simple, straight forward style of writing
(文学、艺术作品的质量和风格) quality and style (of literary or artistic works)
(文学作品的) reader involvement
(文学作品里所用的语言) literary language
(文学艺术的上品) a work of a high order
(文学艺术的平庸境界或下品) literary or artistic work of low order; inferior work; (of arts and literature) mediocrity:
(文章不拘常格) not constrained to conventional style, form, etc.
(文章作法) art of composition:
(文章有力) pungent; forceful:
(文章的结构布局) structure of an essay
(文章) composition
(文笔尖利) incisive; sharp; poignant:
(文笔豪放不拘) forceful and unrestrained; free and natural
(文笔雄健) vigorous:
(文艺才华) literary grace; literary talent; aptitude for writing:
(文辞华丽) (of language or style) ornate
(文采显著) elegant; refined:
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