替续法 commutator method;
替续: 替续法 commutator method;
(执行斩刑) behead
(扰乱) mess up; spoil
(扶助; 提拔) help; support; assist; promote
(扶植) guide and support; give guidance and help to
(批准某人生前要求) admit or confer posthumously:
(批准稿件付印) send manuscripts to the press:
(批示) comments and instructions
(批评别人的意见或要求) refute; criticize; rebut:
(批语和注释) annotations and commentaries; marginalia; head-note
(找碴) find fault with; try hard to find fault; cavil
(找职业) look for a job
(承受颤抖) shiver
(承当) deserve; be worthy of:
(承认一种事实, 也不否认另一种事实) of course; admittedly:
(把东西卖出得到钱) barter (goods) for money; sell:
(把事情办成的根据或信心; 成功的可靠性) assurance; certainty:
(把事情往身上拉) take upon oneself (sb. else's work, etc.)
(把事情搞糟了) bungle matters
(把事搞坏) ruin sth.; make things worse:
(把单篇的文章编在一起; 编成集子) collect articles, etc. into a volume:
(把希望、理想等放在某人某事上) place (hope, etc.) on; find sustenance in; repose:
(把柄) sth. that may be used against one; a handle
(把某物压紧) mat down
(把灯挂在高处) hang lantern
(把粮食从一个仓库弄到另一个仓库) transfer grain from one granary to another
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