

单词 日子
释义 日子日子[rì zi]1. (日期) day; date:定个日子fix a date;这个日子好不容易盼到了。The day we have been looking forward to has come at long last.他们夫妇每年到他们结婚的日子都要稍微庆祝一下。That couple always holds a little celebration every year on their wedding anniversary.
常用词组1. (天数) days; time:他练长跑已经不少日子了。He has been doing long-distance running exercise for a long time now.这些日子你忙什么呢?What have you been busy with these days?这些日子我校师生在工厂实习。The teachers and students of our school have been doing field work at a factory recently.2. (生活) life; livelihood:日子好过enjoy a happy life;勤俭过日子lead an industrious and frugal life;日子混不下去be difficult to keep on going;日子越来越不好过。Things keep getting harder and harder for...; find things increasingly difficult for ...; find life getting tougher every day;老太太现在和女儿一块儿过日子。The old woman is now living with her daughter.




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