

单词 кой


See also: кои, кој, and қой



  • IPA(key): [kʷaj]


кой (kʷoj)

  1. village


  • (village): къуажэ (qʷaaže) (Kabardian)
  • (village): къуаджэ (qʷaadže) (Adyghe)



From Proto-Slavic *kъjь.


  • IPA(key): [kɔj]


кой (koj) m (interrogative)

  1. who, which (one) (used to ask about the identity of one or more people or things)
    Кой го напра́ви?
    Koj go naprávi?
    Who did it?
    Коя́ е та́зи жена́?
    Kojá e tázi žená?
    Who is that woman?
    Кого́ питаш?
    Kogó pitaš?
    Who are you asking?
    С кого́ разговарям?
    S kogó razgovarjam?
    Who am I talking to?
    Кои́ от пациентите се възстановиха?
    Koí ot pacientite se vǎzstanoviha?
    Which of the patients have recovered?
    Кое́ искаш?
    Koé iskaš?
    Which one do you want?
    Кому́ да благодаря́? (archaic)
    Komú da blagodarjá?
    Who should I thank?
  2. (as a conjunction) who, which, what (used to introduce an indirect question)
    Не зная кой ще дойде.
    Ne znaja koj šte dojde.
    I don't know who will come.
    Чудя се от кого́ беше писмото.
    Čudja se ot kogó beše pismoto.
    I wonder who the letter was from.
    Решението, кого́ да поканим, беше трудно.
    Rešenieto, kogó da pokanim, beše trudno.
    The decision who to invite was a difficult one.
    Изтръпвам при мисълта, кой би могъл да направи подобно нещо.
    Iztrǎpvam pri misǎlta, koj bi mogǎl da napravi podobno nešto.
    I shudder at the thought who could do such a thing.

Usage notes

The accusative, dative and prepositional forms are used only when кой (koj) is a pronoun standing on its own (not a determiner standing in front of a noun) and refers to a person. The dative form is dated and is replaced by на (na) + the prepositional form:

На кого́ да благодаря́.
Na kogó da blagodarjá.
(please add an English translation of this usage example)

In informal Bulgarian the nominative form is often used instead of the accusative and prepositional ones:

Кой питаш, с кой разговарям.
Koj pitaš, s koj razgovarjam.
(please add an English translation of this usage example)

This usage is not considered standard.



кой (koj) m (interrogative)

  1. which, what (used to ask about the identity of one or more people or things)
    Кой чове́к би напра́вил подо́бно не́що?
    Koj čovék bi naprávil podóbno néšto?
    What person would do such a thing?
    Коя́ жена́ би се омъжила за него?
    Kojá žená bi se omǎžila za nego?
    What woman would marry him?
    Кое́ яйце е по-тежко?
    Koé jajce e po-težko?
    Which egg is heavier?
    На кой стол седеше?
    Na koj stol sedeše?
    Which chair was she sitting on?
  2. (as a conjunction) who, which, what (used to introduce an indirect question)
    Не можеха да решат коя́ песен да пуснат.
    Ne možeha da rešat kojá pesen da pusnat.
    They couldn't decide which song to play.
    Попитах ги през кои́ градове са минали.
    Popitah gi prez koí gradove sa minali.
    I asked them what towns they went through.



Etymology 1

First coined in sense of body of administrative rules by bishop Damaskin in 1785.


кой (koj)

  1. law
  2. tradition, custom


кой (koj)

  1. As part of compound particles:
    кой-зярдо, кой-косо
    koj-zärdo, koj-koso
    sometimes, somewhere



From Proto-Turkic; cognate with Kazakh қой (qoi), Uzbek qo'y, Azerbaijani qoyun, Turkmen goýun, Turkish koyun.


кой (koy) (definite койду, plural койлор)

  1. sheep (mammal of the genus Ovis)




Inherited from Old East Slavic кꙑи (kyj), from Proto-Slavic *kъjь (who, what, which), from *kъ (who) + *-jь, from Proto-Balto-Slavic *kas (who), from Proto-Indo-European *kʷos (who).


  • IPA(key): [koj]
  • (file)


кой (koj)

  1. (archaic, literary) how, which, who, what
    Synonyms: како́й (kakój), кото́рый (kotóryj)
    Antonym: никой (nikoj)
    в ко́и-то ве́киv kói-to vékionce in a very long time
    до ко́их пор?do kóix por?how long?
    из ко́ихiz kóixof which; of whom
    накой чёрт?na koj čort?what the hell for?
    ни в ко́ей ме́реni v kójej mérenot in the least
    ни в ко́ем ра́зеni v kójem rázenot on your nelly
    ни в ко́ем слу́чаеni v kójem slúčajeon no account; by no means
    ни ко́им о́бразомni kóim óbrazomthere is no way

Usage notes

Now only found in a few set phrases and expressions.


Derived terms

  • кое- (koje-)
Russian terms derived from the Proto-Indo-European root *kʷe-‎ (0 c, 11 e)


  • Vasmer, Max (1964–1973), кой”, in Этимологический словарь русского языка [Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language] (in Russian), transl. and suppl. by Oleg Trubachyov, Moscow: Progress\\

Southern Altai


From Proto-Turkic; cognate with Kazakh қой (qoi), Uzbek qo'y, Azerbaijani qoyun, Turkmen goýun, Turkish koyun.


кой (koy)

  1. sheep


N. A. Baskakov, Toščakova N.A, editor (1947), кой”, in Ojrotsko-Russkij Slovarʹ, M.: OGIZ, →ISBN





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