无线电干扰源 radio interference source;
无线电: 无线电干扰源 radio interference source;
(慷慨; 大方) generous; really kind:
(憔悴颓丧的样子) haggard; gaunt:
(憔悴) haggard; wizened:
(憔悴) wan and sallow; thin and pallid
(懂得) know; understand:
(懂道理) sensible; reasonable:
(懦夫; 胆怯者) coward
(戏剧中从一个场面变到另一个场面) transition
(戏剧脸谱的一种) red face, face painting in Beijing opera, etc., traditionally for the heroic or the honest
(戏弄人以取笑) make fun of; play a joke on sb.
(戏弄人) play tricks
(戏弄别人) amuse oneself at sb.'s expense; make fun of sb.; play a joke on sb.
(戏曲、小说的引子) prologue in some modern novels
(戏曲中使用的武器) weapons used in operas
(戏曲中指忽然高亢的唱腔) a sudden rise in pitch (in opera singing)
(戏曲中指挥其他乐器的鼓板节奏) clapper beats which set the tempo and lead the orchestra in traditional Chinese operas
(戏曲中旦角的一种) female role
(戏曲中武将帽子上所插的雉尾) long pheasant tail feathers worn on warriors' helmets in Chinese operas
(戏曲演员专业分工的类别) type of roles (in traditional Chinese operas)
(戏词) actor's lines
(成串的小爆竹) a string of small firecrackers
(成全; 帮助) help sb. attain his aim; aid:
(成堆的东西) heap:
(成套或成对中的一个) an odd one:
(成套的器物等) outfit; equipment:
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