放射性洗消 radiation decontamination;
放射性: 放射性洗消 radiation decontamination;
(小孩穿的衣裳) dress; children's clothes
(小巧灵便) delicate and well-made
(小当铺) a small pawnshop
(小心) be careful; look out; cautious:
(小心, 留神) take care; be careful; look out:
(小时; 钟头) hour:
(小白菜) Chinese cabbage; pakchoi
(小老婆) concubine
(小说名)“The Scarlet Letter” by Nathaniel Hawthorne
(小费) tip
(少先队员) Young Pioneer
(少妇) young mistress of the house
(少量的钱) small sum of bribe
(就人的身分或事物的性质来说) as:
(就医) see a doctor; consult a doctor
(就是) just; simply:
(尺寸、规模、 面积等的大小) size; dimension; bulk; admeasurement; volume; scale; magnitude:
(尽兴) to one's heart's content; to one's great satisfaction:
(尽情游览) enjoy a sightseeing tour:
(尽最大的力量; 极度地) exerting the utmost strength; for all one is worth; with all one's might; desperately:
(居心; 存心) harbour (evil) intentions; cherish certain intentions:
(居心) motive; intention:
(屈膝; 向对方屈服) give oneself up to; surrender to:
(屎) stool; human excrement; shit; faeces:
(屏风和藩篱) screen and fence
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更新时间:2025/3/10 14:56:27