

单词 摇摆
释义 摇摆摇摆[yáo bǎi]1.sway; swing; rock; vacillate; {力} wab(b)le; tottering; sidesway; vibes; vibration; dodder:摇摆不定chop and change; vacillate; irresolute; swing from side to side; move to and fro;摇摆不定的人a waverer;左右摇摆vacillate now to the left, now to the right;舞蹈者随着音乐摇摆着。The dancers swayed to the music.船身摇摆。The ship rocked.
常用词组1.摇摆板 wobbler;2.摇摆床 rocking bed;3.摇摆钓饵 wobbler;4.摇摆滚锻工艺 slick process;5.摇摆机 wobbler;6.摇摆机构 wabbler mechanism;7.摇摆假设 wobble hypothesis;8.摇摆锯 rock saw; drunken saw;9.摇摆力 nosing force;10.摇摆梁 walking beam;11.摇摆片 rocking bar;12.摇摆试验 swing test;13.摇摆舞 waggle dance; rock and roll;14.摇摆压印 rockerstamp;15.摇摆研磨机 swinging grinding machine;16.摇摆乐 swing;17.摇摆振动 rocking vibration;18.摇摆症 staggers




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