

单词 блазнити


Old Church Slavonic


From Proto-Slavic *blazniti, from блазнь (blaznĭ), from Proto-Slavic *blaznь (bait).


блазнити (blazniti) impf

  1. to seduce, tempt
  2. to outrage, provoke resentment
  3. (reflexive) to loathe, to shy away
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 1981-1983:
      слꙑшимъ бо и отъ нашихъ добрꙑѩ блазнѧщѧ сѧ о законьнѣи женитвѣ
      slyšimŭ bo i otŭ našixŭ dobryję blaznęštę sę o zakonĭněi ženitvě
      (please add an English translation of this quote)
  4. to blaspheme
    • from the Homily against the Bogumils, 329-331:
      о крьстѣ же господьни сице блазнѧще сѧ глаголѭтъ: како сѧ ѥмоу ѥстъ кланꙗти? сꙑна бо божиꙗ жидове на немь распѧшѧ.
      o krĭstě že gospodĭni sice blaznęšte sę glagoljǫtŭ: kako sę jemu jestŭ klanjati? syna bo božija židove na nemĭ raspęšę.
      As for the Lord's cross, here are the blasphemies they produce: How can we adore it? It was on it that the Jews crucified the son of God.


Derived terms

  • облазнити (oblazniti)
  • съблазнити (sŭblazniti)




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