

单词 τζηρθε


Old Ossetic


From Proto-Iranian *ciθráh, from Proto-Indo-Iranian *čitrás. The basic meaning is "visible sign".


τζηρθε (tzērthe)

  1. stele, monument

Usage notes

Attested in the Zelenchuk inscription.


  • Ossetian:
    Digor: цирт (cirt)
    Iron: цырт (cyrt)
  • Chechen: чурт (čurt)
  • Ingush: чурт (čurt)
  • ? Old Georgian: ჭორტი (č̣orṭi)
    • Georgian: ჭორტი (č̣orṭi), ჭორტე (č̣orṭe)
  • Proto-Slavic: *čьrtъ (see there for further descendants)
  • Svan: ჩირთ (čirt)


  • Абаев, В. И. (1949) Осетинский язык и фольклор I [Ossetian Language and Folklore I] (in Russian), Moscow and Leningrad: Academy Press, pages 267, 298
  • Абаев, В. И. (1958) Историко-этимологический словарь осетинского языка [Historical-Etymological Dictionary of the Ossetian Language] (in Russian), volume I, Moscow, Leningrad: Academy Press, pages 325–326
  • Cheung, Johnny (2002) Studies in the Historical Development of the Ossetic Vocalism (Beitrage Zur Iranistik; 23), Weisbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert, →ISBN, page 39
  • Kim, Ronald (2003), “On the historical phonology of Ossetic: the origin of the oblique case suffix”, in Journal of the American Oriental Society, volume 123, issue 1, DOI:10.2307/3217844, page 54
  • Lubotsky, Alexander (2015) Alanic Marginal Notes in a Greek Liturgical Manuscript (Grammatica Iranica; 2), Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, pages 14, 49
  • Миллер, Всеволод (1882) Осетинские этюды. Ч. 2. Исследования [Ossetian Studies. Part II. Studies] (Ученые записки Императорского Московского Университета. Отдел историко-филологический; 2) (in Russian), Moscow: Типография А. Иванова (бывш. Миллера), page 55
  • Thordarson, Fridrik (2009) Ossetic Grammatical Studies (Philosophisch-Historische Klasse Sitzungsberichte; 788), Vienna: Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, →ISBN, pages 15, 60, 116




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