

单词 μάστιξ


Ancient Greek


From Pre-Greek.[1]


  • (5th BCE Attic) IPA(key): /más.tiːks/
  • (1st CE Egyptian) IPA(key): /ˈmas.tiks/
  • (4th CE Koine) IPA(key): /ˈmas.tiks/
  • (10th CE Byzantine) IPA(key): /ˈmas.tiks/
  • (15th CE Constantinopolitan) IPA(key): /ˈmas.tiks/


μάστῑξ (mástīx) f (genitive μάστῑγος); third declension

  1. (mostly for driving horses) whip, scourge
    Synonym: μάραγνα (máragna)
    • 800 BCE – 600 BCE, Homer, Iliad 5.748
      • 11.532
    • 460 BCE – 420 BCE, Herodotus, Histories 4.3
      • 7.56
    • 497 BCE – 405 BCE, Sophocles, Ajax 242
    • 430 BCE – 354 BCE, Xenophon, Anabasis 3.4..25
    • 519 BCE – 422 BCE, Cratinus, Collected Works 275
    • 411 BCE, Aristophanes, Thesmophoriazusae 933
    • Phryn., Com. 36
    1. (figuratively) lash of eloquence
      • 522 BCE – 443 BCE, Pindar, Pythian Ode 4.219
  2. (figuratively) scourge, plague
    • 800 BCE – 600 BCE, Homer, Iliad 12.37
      • 13.812
    • 525 BCE – 455 BCE, Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 682
    • 467 BCE, Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes 608
    • 458 BCE, Aeschylus, Agamemnon 642
    • New Testament, The Gospel of Mark 5:34


Derived terms

  • ἀμαστῑ́γωτος (amastī́gōtos)
  • ἀπομαστῑγόω (apomastīgóō)
  • γραμματικομάστῑξ (grammatikomástīx)
  • δῐᾰμαστιγόω (diamastigóō)
  • κᾰτᾰμαστίζω (katamastízō)
  • μάστειρᾰ (másteira)
  • μαστιάω (mastiáō)
  • μαστῑγέω (mastīgéō)
  • μαστῑγῐ́ᾱ (mastīgíā)
  • μαστῑγῐ́ᾱς (mastīgíās)
  • μαστῑγιάω (mastīgiáō)
  • μαστῑ́γῐον (mastī́gion)
  • μαστῑγονομέομαι (mastīgonoméomai)
  • μαστῑγονόμος (mastīgonómos)
  • μαστῑγοφορέω (mastīgophoréō)
  • μαστῑγοφόρος (mastīgophóros)
  • μαστῑγόω (mastīgóō)
  • μαστῑγώσῐμος (mastīgṓsimos)
  • μαστῑ́γωσῐς (mastī́gōsis)
  • μαστῑγωτέος (mastīgōtéos)
  • μαστῑγωτῐκός (mastīgōtikós)
  • μαστίζω (mastízō)
  • μαστῑ́κτειρᾰ (mastī́kteira)
  • μαστῑ́κτωρ (mastī́ktōr)
  • μαστιστής (mastistḗs)
  • μαστίω (mastíō)
  • Ὁμηρομάστῑξ (Homēromástīx)
  • ὁμομαστῑγίας (homomastīgías)
  • προσμαστῑγόω (prosmastīgóō)
  • ῥητορομάστῑξ (rhētoromástīx)
  • σειρομάστῑξ (seiromástīx)
  • συμμαστῑγόω (summastīgóō)
  • τριμαστῑγίας (trimastīgías)


  1. Beekes, Robert S. P. (2010), “μάστιξ”, in Etymological Dictionary of Greek (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 10), with the assistance of Lucien van Beek, Leiden, Boston: Brill, →ISBN, pages 911–912

Further reading

  • μάστιξ”, in Liddell & Scott (1940) A Greek–English Lexicon, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • μάστιξ”, in Liddell & Scott (1889) An Intermediate Greek–English Lexicon, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • μάστιξ”, in Autenrieth, Georg (1891) A Homeric Dictionary for Schools and Colleges, New York: Harper and Brothers
  • μάστιξ in Bailly, Anatole (1935) Le Grand Bailly: Dictionnaire grec-français, Paris: Hachette
  • μάστιξ in Cunliffe, Richard J. (1924) A Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect: Expanded Edition, Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, published 1963
  • μάστιξ”, in Slater, William J. (1969) Lexicon to Pindar, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter
  • G3148 in Strong, James (1979) Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance to the Bible
  • μάστιξ in Trapp, Erich, et al. (1994–2007) Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität besonders des 9.-12. Jahrhunderts [the Lexicon of Byzantine Hellenism, Particularly the 9th–12th Centuries], Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
  • Woodhouse, S. C. (1910) English–Greek Dictionary: A Vocabulary of the Attic Language, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited.
    • lash idem, page 477.
    • scourge idem, page 741.
    • whip idem, page 976.




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