

单词 βαρύτης


Ancient Greek


From βᾰρῠ́ς (barús, heavy) + -της (-tēs).


  • (5th BCE Attic) IPA(key): /ba.rý.tɛːs/
  • (1st CE Egyptian) IPA(key): /baˈry.te̝s/
  • (4th CE Koine) IPA(key): /βaˈry.tis/
  • (10th CE Byzantine) IPA(key): /vaˈry.tis/
  • (15th CE Constantinopolitan) IPA(key): /vaˈri.tis/


βᾰρῠ́της (barútēs) f (genitive βᾰρῠ́τητος); third declension

  1. weight, heaviness
    • 460 BCE – 395 BCE, Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War 7.62.2
    • 200 BCE – 118 BCE, Polybius, The Histories 1.51.9
    • 371 BCE – 287 BCE, Theophrastus, Enquiry into Plants 5.3.1
    1. heaviness of limb
      • 46 CE – 120 CE, Plutarch, Moralia 2.978c
    2. (of digestion)
      • 46 CE – 120 CE, Plutarch, Moralia 128b
  2. (of men) troublesomeness, importunity
    • 436 BCE – 338 BCE, Isocrates, Collected Works 12.31
    1. disagreeableness
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Demosthenes 18.35
      • 46 CE – 120 CE, Plutarch, Coriolanus 30
      • 46 CE – 120 CE, Plutarch, Cato the Younger 57.1
  3. arrogance
    • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Rhetoric 2.17
    1. gravity
      • 46 CE – 120 CE, Plutarch, Fab.I
  4. (of sound) depth, low pitch
    • 428 BCE – 347 BCE, Plato, Protagoras 316a
    • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Generation of Animals 5.1.778a19
    • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, On the Soul Β.11.2.422b30
    • 400 BCE – 250 BCE, Aristoxenus, Harm. p.3M.
    • 60 BCE – 7 BCE, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, The Arrangement of Words 11
    1. (grammar) the grave accent
      • 384 BCE – 322 BCE, Aristotle, Poetics 1456b33
      1. absence of accent
        • 50 CE – 250 CE, Apollonius Dyscolus, On Pronouns 38.15
  5. (rhetoric) adoption of an injured tone
    • Aps. p.331.H.



  • (depth, low pitch): ὀξῠ́της (oxútēs)
  • (the grave accent): ὀξῠ́της (oxútēs)


  • Greek: βαρύτητα (varýtita)
  • English: baryta
    • English: barium


  • βαρύτης”, in Liddell & Scott (1940) A Greek–English Lexicon, Oxford: Clarendon Press
  • βαρύτης”, in Liddell & Scott (1889) An Intermediate Greek–English Lexicon, New York: Harper & Brothers
  • βαρύτης in Bailly, Anatole (1935) Le Grand Bailly: Dictionnaire grec-français, Paris: Hachette
  • βαρύτης in the Diccionario Griego–Español en línea (2006–2023)
  • Woodhouse, S. C. (1910) English–Greek Dictionary: A Vocabulary of the Attic Language, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Limited.
    • aggravation idem, page 18.
    • deepness idem, page 203.
    • dinginess idem, page 225.
    • disagreeableness idem, page 227.
    • heaviness idem, page 393.
    • irksomeness idem, page 459.
    • laboriousness idem, page 472.
    • massiveness idem, page 516.
    • objectionableness idem, page 565.
    • obnoxiousness idem, page 566.
    • odiousness idem, page 569.
    • offensiveness idem, page 571.
    • onerousness idem, page 574.
    • oppressiveness idem, page 577.
    • ponderosity idem, page 626.
    • rankness idem, page 671.
    • tediousness idem, page 859.
    • tiresomeness idem, page 878.
    • toilsomeness idem, page 880.
    • troublesomeness idem, page 897.
    • uncomfortableness idem, page 910.
    • unpleasantness idem, page 927.
    • unsatisfactoriness idem, page 931.
    • vexatiousness idem, page 950.
    • wearisomeness idem, page 970.
    • weight idem, page 972.




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