

单词 扒 1
释义 [bā]1. (刨; 挖; 拆) dig up; pull down; rake:扒树根dig up the root of a tree;扒旧房pull down an old house;扒土rake earth;把埋在雪里的木板扒出来dig out the planks buried under the snow2. (抓着可依附的东西; 攀援) hold on to; cling to:扒窗台hold on to the windowsill3. (拨动) push aside:扒开草丛push aside a thick growth of grass4. (脱掉; 剥) strip off; take off:扒狗皮skin a dog;他把鞋袜一扒, 光着脚趟水。Taking off his shoes and socks, he waded across barefoot.另见 pá。




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