

单词 成对
释义 成对成对[chéng duì]1.twinning; pairing:(把 ...)配成一对pair up ...;与另一只不成对的鞋子a shoe that doesn't pair up with the other;会餐后, 男女青年们成对成对地去跳舞。After dinner the boys and girls paired off and went to the dance.
常用词组1.成对爆发 paired bursts;2.成对比较法 paired [pairing] comparison;3.成对变质带 paired metamorphic belts;4.成对不均等性码 paired-disparity code;5.成对出现 bigeminy;6.成对电刷 paired brush;7.成对发动机 coupled engines;8.成对法兰 companion flange;9.成对分割表 mate table;10.成对分割块 mate block;11.成对复合 pair recombination;12.成对管道 twin conduit;13.成对核子 paired nucleons;14.成对卷染机 jigger;15.成对连接绳 buddy line (潜水用);16.成对联想 paired-association; method of paired-association;17.成对联想学习 paired-associate learning;18.成对脉冲 paired pulse;19.成对能量 {物} pairing energy;20.成对实验法 the matched guise technique;21.成对双联圆锥滚柱轴承 face-to-face duplex tapered roller bearing;22.成对双联轴承 back-to-back [face-to-face] duplex bearing;23.成对位错 paired dislocation;24.成对物 doublet;25.成对物件之一 companion;26.成对染色体 pairing chromosomes;27.成对效应 {物} pairing effect;28.成对血清 paired sera;29.成对砑光机 tandem calender;30.成对延迟 pair delay;31.成对杂交 paired cross; hybridization with two parents;32.成对转换 pair conversion




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