单词 | 息 |
释义 | 息息[xī] 名1.■ (呼吸时进出的气) breath:屏息hold one's breath;喘息gasp for breath; pant;一息尚存so long as there is breath left in one;战斗到最后一息fight to one's last breath2.■ (消息) news:信息news; message; information3.■ (利钱; 利息) interest:定息fixed interest;还本付息repay capital with interest;无息贷款interest-free loan4.■ [书] (子女) one's children5.■ (姓氏) a surname:息隆泰Xi Longtai 动1.■ (停止) cease; stop:经久不息的掌声prolonged applause;风止雨息。The wind has subsided and the rain stopped.2.■ (休息) rest:歇息have a rest;按时作息work and rest according to the timetable3.■ (滋生; 繁殖) grow; multiply:蕃息multiply greatly;生息grow; propagate |
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