

单词 özünü vurmaq

özünü vurmaq



özünü vurmaq (intransitive)

  1. to pretend, to play, to act like
    özünü eşitməməzliyə vurmaqto pretend as if one doesn't/didn't hear
    özünü görməməzliyə vurmaqto pretend as if one doesn't/didn't see
    özünü bilməməzliyə vurmaqto pretend as if one doesn't/didn't know
    özünü dəliliyə vurmaqto play stupid
    özünü gicliyə vurmaqto pretend to be crazy, to play a fool
    özünü tülkülüyə vurmaqto be sly (literally, “to act like a fox”)
    Özünü xəstəliyə vurma!Don't play sick!
    • 2020 May, (Please provide the book title or journal name):
      Marketin yaninda dayanmışdım ki, içəri daxil olum, qarşımdakı qardaş osturdu... Özümü eşitməməzliyə vurmaq istədim, lakin qardaş çönüb mənə dedi ki "Eşitdin osturağı?", dedim, “eşitdim", qayıtdı ki "əgər eşitdinsə deməli sosial məsəfənı saxlamamışdın. İyisini də duydunsa deməli taxdiğın maska heçnəyə dəymir". Sonra da qabağda duranlara dedi ki "Bunu kimilərə görə koronavirus yayılmağdadir." Bu günə qədər məni osturub, neprav çıxardan olmamışdır...
      I was standing in front of a grocery store about to enter it, when a fella ahead of me [in the line] farted... I wanted to pretend that I didn't hear [it], but the fella turned around and said, "Did you hear the fart?", I said "I did"; then he said, "If your heard it, then you didn't keep the social distance. And if you sensed the smell, then the mask you're wearing isn't worth anything." Then he said to those standing ahead of him, "It is because of people like him that the coronavarus is spreading." Until this day, no one has ever accused me of being wrong by farting.
    Synonym: özünü qoymaq






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