

释义 [kuài]1. (速度高; 走路、做事等费的时间短) fast; quick; rapid; swift; speedy:动作快be quick in action;快极了very fast;请别说得那么快。Please don't speak so fast.他进步很快。He has made rapid progress.我的表快5分钟。My watch is five minutes fast.2. (赶快; 从速) hurry up; make haste:孩子们,快进来, 下雨啦 !Hurry in, children. It's raining!快把医生请来。Bring the doctor in haste.快点, 不然我们就赶不上火车了。Hurry [Buck] up or we will miss the train.快跟我走。Quick, come with me.好的, 但要快, 没有几分钟就要开会了。All right, but make it snappy. The meeting is to begin in a few minutes.3. (速度) speed:这车能跑多快?How fast can this car go?4. (灵敏) quick-witted; ingenious:眼明手快quick of eye and deft of hand;他脑子快。He has a quick mind.; He's quick-witted.; He understands things quickly.5. (刀、剪、斧子等锋利) sharp; keen:快斧a sharp ax(e);这把刀很快。This knife is very sharp.6. (爽快; 痛快; 直截了当) straightforward; forthright; plainspoken:心直口快straightforward and outspoken7. (愉快; 高兴; 舒服) pleased; happy; gratified:大快人心to the immense satisfaction of the people;拍手称快clap and cheer;心中不快feel unhappy1. (迅速地) quickly:快来!Come here quickly!2. (快要; 将近) soon; before long:春节快到了。The Spring Festival is drawing near.快下课了。The class will be over soon.他快回来了。He'll be back soon.我来这儿快两年了。It is nearly two years since I came here.1.(姓氏) a surname:快钦Kuai Qin




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