

释义 [xīn]1. (心脏) the heart:人心human heart;她激动得心怦怦跳。Her heart was thumping with emotion.我心痛。My heart aches.2. (指思想的器官和思想、感情等) heart; mind; feeling; intention:爱国心patriotic feeling [mind]; patriotism;伤人的心wound [hurt] sb.'s feelings;高傲的心proud heart;忠诚的心a loyal heart;同情心a compassionate heart;高尚的心a noble heart;恶毒的心an evil heart;冷酷无情的心a cold and unfeeling heart;心往一处想, 劲往一处使think and work with one heart and one mind;羞耻之心sense of shame;你的心是好的, 但是事情办得不好。You meant well but you didn't handle the job well.十个人, 十条心。Many men, many minds.他的好心却得到了恶报。His good intentions were repaid by evil results.她的话温暖了他的心。Her words warmed his heart.他人在心不在。He himself is here, but his thoughts are elsewhere.他总是把国家放在心上。He always has the country in his heart.眼不见,心不想。Out of sight, out of mind.3. (中心; 中央的部分)centre; core:白菜心the heart of a Chinese cabbage;地心the earth's core;核心core; nucleus;街心the middle of a street;手心the hollow of the palm;圆心the centre of a circle;湖心有一座亭子。At the centre of the lake, there is a pavilion.4. (二十八宿之一) Xin, one of the lunar mansions




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