

单词 zincirleme ad tamlaması

zincirleme ad tamlaması



zincirleme ad tamlaması (definite accusative zincirleme ad tamlamasını, plural zincirleme ad tamlamaları)

  1. A compound noun which consists of at least three nouns.

Usage notes

There are several ways to form these kinds of compound nouns:

  1. The attributive noun may be a compound noun, and modify another noun which takes the 3rd person possessive suffix.
    For example, in the compound noun tahta kapının boyası (paint of the wooden door), the attributive noun tahta kapı (wooden door) is a compound in which both nouns are without suffix, and it modifies boya (paint) which is suffixed by -sı.
  2. The attributive noun may be a compound noun in which the first noun takes the genitive-case suffix, and the second takes 3rd person possessive suffix with a genitive-case suffix, and modify another noun which takes the 3rd person possessive suffix.
    For example, in the compound noun çocuğun okulunun müdürü (principal of the child's school), the attributive noun çocuğun okulu (child's school) is a compound, consisting of çocuk which took -un and okul which was suffixed by -u and -nun; they modify müdür (principal) which is suffixed by .
  3. The attributive noun may be a compound noun, and modify another noun which takes the 3rd person possessive suffix.
    For example, in the compound noun masa örtüsünün rengi (the colo(u)r of the tablecloth), the attributive noun masa örtüsü (tablecloth) is a compound, consisting of masa (table) without suffix, and örtü taking the 3rd person possessive suffix -sü, and it modifies renk (colour/color) which is suffixed by -i, the 3rd person possessive suffix.
  4. There may be more than three nouns, and there may also be adjectives, conjunctions, other possessive suffixes (such as "my") and/or adverbs among the nouns.



  • zincirleme isim tamlaması

See also

  • belirtili isim tamlaması, belirtili ad tamlaması
  • belirtisiz isim tamlaması, belirtisiz ad tamlaması
  • takısız isim tamlaması, takısız ad tamlaması




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