

单词 założyć




Inherited from Old Polish założyć, from Proto-Slavic *založiti. By surface analysis, za- + łożyć.


  • IPA(key): /zaˈwɔ.ʐɨt͡ɕ/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -ɔʐɨt͡ɕ
  • Syllabification: za‧ło‧żyć


założyć pf (imperfective zakładać)

  1. (transitive) to put on; to put clothing or equipment on a person or animal
  2. (transitive) to cover (a surface) with objects put next to each other [+instrumental = with what]
    • 1900 (first published 1855), Zygmunt Kaczkowski, “Mąż Szalony”, in Wybór Pism Zygmunta Kaczowskiego, volume 1, Gebethner i Wolff, archived from the original on 2022-05-13, page 135:
      A kiedy Żyd z wielkim respektem panu kłaniając się z daleka, zaraz i to bez wielkiego targu tak wiele drzewa, desek i gontów z onych górskich wiosek zakupił, że pieniędzmi za nie cały stół wielki założył, to pan, mając to na uwadze, że dotychczas ani grosza za ten materyał nigdy nie wzięło starostwo, bardzo był rad Żydowi, a nawet go gorzałkiem i piernikiem częstował.
      And when the Jew, bowing to the lord with great respect from a distance, immediately, and that without much haggling, bought so much wood, boards, and shingles from those mountain villages that he covered a large table with the money for them, then the lord, bearing in mind that up to that time the starostwo had never gotten a penny for those materials, was very grateful to the Jew, and even offered him vodka and gingerbread.
  3. (transitive) to mark (a book or page) with a bookmark
  4. (transitive) to block, to bar, to keep closed by putting something in front of it
    • 1980, Magdalena Dubanowiczowa, Na Mongolskich Bezdrożach: Wspomnienia Z Zesłania 1940-1942, Polska Fundacja Kulturalna, page 100:
      ...kazał szczelnie zatkać otwory w dachu i mocno założyć drzwi, bo nadchodzi wielki buran.
      ...he said to tightly block the holes in the roof and strongly bar the door, because a big blizzard was approaching.
  5. (transitive) to start; to found (to start an organization)
  6. (transitive) to create
    Na naszym forum można założyć maksymalnie jedno konto.
    On our forum, you are allowed to create one account at most.
  7. (transitive) to set up
  8. (transitive, colloquial) to install
    Zakładamy kablówkę w ciągu jednego dnia.
    We install cable TV in one day.
  9. (transitive) to plan, to make (a plan), to set (a goal)
  10. (transitive, law) to file (a lawsuit or legal request)
  11. (intransitive) to assume
  12. (reflexive) to bet, to impone, to wager [+ z (instrumental) = with someone] [+ o (accusative) = the stakes, or the event bet on]


Further reading

  • założyć in Wielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
  • założyć in Polish dictionaries at PWN




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