


See also: YT, Yt, yT, yt, .yt, -yt, yt., Y.T., and Y. T.



  1. Alternative form of yt (that)
    • c. 1531, Johan Frith, “An answere agenst [or vnto] Rastels dialoge”, in A Disputaciõ of Purgatorye Made by Johan Frith Which Is Deuided in to Thre Bokes:
      And as ye know plucketh. Raſtell by berde/for he went a boute to prove yͤ cõtrarie in yͤ firſt chaptre/ the bodie hath neyther payne nor pleaſure. ⁊c̃.
    • 1575, George Gascoigne, “Councell to Duglasse Diue Written vpon This Occasion. [...]”, in The Posies of George Gascoigne Esquire. [], printed at London: For Richard Smith, [], OCLC 1048958044; republished in William Carew Hazlitt, compiler, The Complete Poems of George Gascoigne [] In Two Volumes, volume I, [London]: Printed for the Roxburghe Library, 1869, OCLC 885426345, page 370:
      The kight can weede the worme from corne and coſtly ſeedes, / The kight cã kill the mowldiwarpe, in pleaſant meads yͭ breeds: / Out of the ſtately ſtreetes the kight can clenſe the filth, / As mẽ can clẽſe the worthleſſe weedes frõ fruteful fallow tilth; [...]
    • 1616, epitaph of William Shakespeare’s grave (image); Holy Trinity Church, Stratford-on-Avon, England :
      Good frend for İesvs sake forbeare, to digg the dvst encloased heare. Bleste be yͤ man spares thes stones, and cvrst be he moves my bones.
    • c. 1620, anonymous, “Tom o’ Bedlam’s Song” in Giles Earle his Booke (British Museum, Additional MSS. 24, 665):
      From yͤ hagg & hungry Goblin,
      into raggs would rend yee,
      & yͤ spirit stand’s by yͤ naked man,
      in yͤ booke of moones defend yee




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