

单词 your Honor

your Honor



your Honor

  1. (formal, obsolete, addressing someone of higher rank or status than oneself) you
    • 1626 September 8, James Howell, “XXV. To the Right Honourable the Lord Conway, Principal Secretary of State to His Majesty, at Hampton Court.”, in Epistolæ Ho-Elianæ. Familiar Letters Domestic and Forren. [], volume I, 3rd edition, London: Printed for Humphrey Mos[e]ley, [], published 1655, OCLC 84295516, section IV, page 177:
      Touching the firſt, I refer my ſelf to your Honors favourable Opinion, and the Character which my Lord S. and others ſhall give of me: []
    • 1847, George Washington, The Writings of George Washington: Being His Correspondence, Addresses, page 26:
      The numbers of the French have been greatly magnified, as your Honor may see by a copy of the enclosed journal of a person, whom I sent out to gain intelligence.
  2. (formal, addressing a judge or magistrate) you

Usage notes

Although this phrase is used as the second person pronoun, the verb it governs is conjugated in the third person.

Derived terms

  • your Honors




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