

单词 Your Highness

Your Highness



Your Highness (plural Your Highnesses)

  1. (formal) A title of respect used to address a prince or princess.
    • 1818, The Quarterly Review, J. Murray, The Congo Expedition—African Discoveries, page 372:
      Does your Highness know what became of the other ?
    • 1998, Alexandre Dumas, The Man in the Iron Mask, →ISBN, page 83:
      “Yes, madame, since your Highness has deigned to begin, will you deign to finish—”
  2. (informal, sarcastic) A sarcastic term of address to anyone who is (or is acting) pompous or bossy.

Usage notes

  • This is the second-person form of address to a prince or princess. Verbs used with this pronoun as the subject are conjugated in the third person. The forms used when referring in the third person are His Highness (of a man) and Her Highness (of a woman).
  • If the prince or princess is a member of a royal family, the full form is Your Royal Highness; if a member of an imperial family (i.e., the family of an emperor or empress), the form is Your Imperial Highness.
  • The corresponding form for a king, queen, emperor, or empress is Your Majesty. In some modern texts, however, this distinction is lost.


See also

Third person - female (Her)Third person - male (His)Second person (Your)Third person - plural (Their)
Her Britannic MajestyHis Britannic MajestyYour Britannic Majesty
Her ExcellencyHis ExcellencyYour Excellency
Her HighnessHis HighnessYour Highness
Her Imperial HighnessHis Imperial HighnessYour Imperial Highness
Her Imperial MajestyHis Imperial MajestyYour Imperial Majesty
Her MajHis MajYour Maj
Her MajestyHis MajestyYour MajestyTheir Majesties
Her Royal HighnessHis Royal HighnessYour Royal HighnessTheir Royal Highnesses
Her Royal MajestyHis Royal MajestyYour Royal Majesty

See also

  • Her Imperial Highness
  • Her Serene Highness
  • His Imperial Highness
  • His Serene Highness
  • Your Majesty
  • Your Royal Highness




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