

单词 yester morow

yester morow

Middle English


yester morow

  1. yester-morrow
    • 1481, “How the kynge helde his feeste, and how Lapreel the cony complayned vnto the kynge vpon reynart the foxe”, in Thystorye of Reynard the Foxe, William Caxton; reprinted as The History of Reynard the Fox, from the Edition Printed by Caxton in 1481. [] (Percy Society: Early English Poetry, Ballads, and Popular Literature of the Middle Ages. Edited from Original Manuscripts and Scarce Publications.; volume XII), London: Reprinted for the Percy Society, by T. Richards, 1844, page 72:
      Yester morow as I cam rennyng by his borugh at Maleperdhuys he stode byfore his dore without lyke a pylgryme.
      (please add an English translation of this quote)


  • English: yester-morrow




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