

单词 平稳
释义 平稳平稳[píng wěn]1.steady; smooth and steady; stable:机器运转平稳。The machine runs smoothly.物价平稳。Prices are stable.病人的血压平稳。The patient's blood pressure is stable.我们的飞机飞得很平稳。We had a smooth flight.
常用词组1.平稳灯 ballast lamp;2.平稳过程 stationary process;3.平稳过渡 smooth transition;4.平稳区 {工} meadow;5.平稳随机过程 stationary random process; stationary; stochastic process;6.平稳随机函数 stationary random function;7.平稳随机输入 stationary random input;8.平稳随机振动 stationary random vibration;9.平稳信源 stationary source;10.平稳性 quiet running property;11.平稳循环 steady-state cycle;12.平稳增量过程 process of stationary increment;13.平稳值 stationary value




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