

单词 y am

y am

See also: yam, yàm, yâm, yaṃ, yɑm, and þ.á.m

Middle Welsh


y am

  1. from around, off
    • Pwyll Pendeuic Dyuet:
      Deu uarchauc a doeth i waret i wisc hela y amdanaw, ac y wiscaw eurwisc o bali amdanaw.
      Two knights came to take his hunting clothes off him and to clothe him in a golden garment of silk.
      A bwrw y bratteu a’r loppaneu a’r yspeil didestyl y amdanaw a oruc Pwyll.
      And Pwyll threw off his rags and his old shoes and his tattered garb.

Derived terms

  • y am hynny (in addition)




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