

单词 Wuhan coronavirus

Wuhan coronavirus


This English term is a hot word. Its inclusion on Wiktionary is provisional.


From Wuhan + coronavirus, q.v., from its presumed origin in Wuhan, China, in late 2019.


Wuhan coronavirus (uncountable)

  1. (colloquial, sometimes offensive) Synonym of SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19.
  2. (colloquial, sometimes offensive) Synonym of coronavirus, the disease COVID-19 itself.
    • 2020 January 26, Maria Godoy, “2 New U.S. Cases Of Wuhan Coronavirus Confirmed In California”, in NPR:
      Health officials in two California counties have reported over the weekend two new cases of Wuhan coronavirus in the state, bringing the total number of cases in the U.S. to four.

Usage notes

Particularly in the United States during COVID-19, where the Wuhan coronavirus and similar term were popularized by President Trump to highlight the origins of the virus.[1]

  • Wuhan virus, Wuhan flu, Wuhanvirus, China virus, Chinese virus, kung flu


  1. “Trump defends calling coronavirus the ‘Chinese virus’”, in Al Jazeera, March 23, 2020, archived from the original on 2020-10-14




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