

单词 wobbly boots

wobbly boots



wobbly boots pl (plural only)

  1. A state of intoxication such that one cannot walk steadily.
    • 2000, Nigel Featherstone, Joy, page 156:
      I smiled back for him, thought about you, wondered what kind of night you were having, whether you had your wobbly boots on yet.
    • 2002, Beverley Harper, Jackal's Dance:
      She'd be unsteady on her feet or, to put it Gayle's way, wearing wobbly boots.
    • 2011, Robin Barratt, The Mammoth Book of Hard Bastards:
      A father and his two big sons had put their “wobbly boots” on after drinking hard in the pub round the corner.
  1. Used other than with a figurative or idiomatic meaning: see wobbly, boots.

Usage notes

Usually used in phrases such as "wearing wobbly boots" or "putting on wobbly boots".





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