

单词 winterful



Etymology 1

winter + -ful


winterful (plural winterfuls or wintersful)

  1. A quantity that lasts or is produced during a winter.
    • 1926, Clara Ingram Judson, Mary Jane's winter sports, page 14:
      “Maybe it's just a little snow and not a whole winterful,” suggested Alice, as she climbed out of bed to look.
    • 1955, Marie Di Mario Wann, Dependent baggage; Destination Germany, page 121:
      After a winterful of Germans, the Italians seemed gay, cheerful, and hard-working, though their war losses were bitter.
    • 1959, Robert Hutchinson, Southwest Review, volume 44, page 99:
      Every spring my mother would throw open the house like a cellar door, and a whole winterful of dust balls, grocery bills, and horehound drops would come rolling out to linger on the hollyhocks awhile and be caught at last in the handfuls of slick cottonwood fuzz that tumbled slowly eastward out of town.
    • 1985, Rob Wagner, ‎Anthony Slide, The Best of Rob Wagner's Script, page 39:
      He will find that if he goes to New York a week or so in the spring he may see the six or eight plays of the season which have been good enough to last that long, and that he may thus spare himself the suffering of attending a winterful of flops.
    • 2006, Helen Dunmore, House of orphans, page 41:
      Darkness everywhere, a whole winterful of it at his back.

Etymology 2

winter + -ful


winterful (comparative more winterful, superlative most winterful)

  1. Characteristic of or occurring during winter.
    • 1978, Miscellaneous Series in Geography, page 12:
      Here spreads a cosy net of little fields Secured with hedges, wild and winterful, Watching the year revolve.
    • 1979, Art Huebner, Wonderful Wisconsin, page 299:
      Snow is king in winterful Wisconsin, in the season of the year that is fast-becoming famous in the land of lakes and forests and great hills.
    • 1986, Bobbie Kalman, ‎Susan Hughes, We Celebrate Winter, page 52:
      Snow and more snow was here, was there, What a winterful, wonderful sight!




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