

单词 wheel within a wheel

wheel within a wheel



From the Bible, Book of Ezekiel, 1:16.


  • (file)


wheel within a wheel (plural wheels within wheels)

  1. (idiomatic) A complication of circumstances, motives, etc.
    • 1933, P. G. Wodehouse, Heavy Weather:
      The fact is, there’s something I rather wanted to call to your attention. You don’t know it, but for private and personal reasons I particularly want to hold this Tiny Tots job for a year. There are wheels within wheels. It’s a sort of bet, as a matter of fact. Have you ever met a girl called Gertrude Butterwick?… However, it’s a long story and I won’t bother you with it now. But you can take it from me that there definitely are wheels within wheels and unless I continue in your employment, till somewhere around the middle of next June, my life will be a blank and all my hopes and dreams shattered.

Usage notes

  • Often used in the plural form.


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