

单词 wheels are turning

wheels are turning



wheels are turning

  1. (idiomatic) Progress is currently being made with respect to an ongoing process or other matter.
    • 2013 January 29, Avi Creditor, "Soccer: Closing transfer window could have impact on Americans Abroad," Sports Illustrated (retrieved 7 Jan 2022):
      The transfer wheels are turning a bit faster as the European window comes closer and closer to being slammed shut.
    • 2016 February 5, George Capsis, "A Hospital or Condos?," WestView News (retrieved 7 Jan 2022):
      As you read this, bureaucratic wheels are turning to permit a towering three-block-long complex of 1,586 apartments to arise in front of Pier 40.
    • 2017 November 21, Colin Perkel, "4 Grenada officers charged with manslaughter in 2011 beating death of Toronto man," The Star (Canada) (retrieved 7 Jan 2022):
      "[T]his decision will reassure the public and the international community that our justice system is working, albeit the wheels are turning slowly."
  2. (idiomatic, of mental activity) Considerable thinking or other cognitive activity is occurring.
    • 1982 December 30, Marguerite Kelly, "Aggressive 4-Year-Old," Washington Post (retrieved 7 Jan 2022):
      I don't know what thoughts are going through his little mind, but I'm sure the wheels are turning.
    • 2002 October 16, Douglas Rodgers, "Birth of a nation," Guardian (UK) (retrieved 7 Jan 2022):
      But now, eight years after the Mandela election, the wheels are turning again, ideas are coming.
    • 2014 March 15, Erica Goode, "After 20 Hours in Solitary, Colorado’s Prisons Chief Wins Praise," New York Times (retrieved 7 Jan 2022):
      Mr. Raemisch has gained a reputation as an outspoken reformer and has made clear that he wants to make significant changes. [] Mr. Raemisch's staff members have gotten used to his directness, and to his sudden silences. "When he's quiet, that's when he's at his best, because his wheels are turning," said Kellie Wasko, his deputy.

See also

  • spin one's wheels
  • wheels within wheels




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