

单词 walk of shame

walk of shame



walk of shame (plural walks of shame)

  1. (informal) A walk home the morning after a sexual encounter while still in evening dress.
    • 2004, Sam Stall, Lou Harry, Julia Spalding, The Encyclopedia of Guilty Pleasures: 1,001 Things You Hate to Love (page 75)
      Is it any wonder that a new generation of Gloria Gaynors has adopted the sequined halter as the standard issue for dancing 'til dawn (followed by the mortifying Sunday morning "walk of shame")?
    • 2005, Nicole Goss, Tim Williams, University Of Georgia College Prowler Off The Record (page 65)
      Because alcohol is so popular, morning-after experiences and walks of shame are pretty common for many students. Almost everyone is looking for romance in some capacity.
    • 2016, Stefanie Weiss, 5 sex positions for the lascivious Leo
      You do not do walks of shame - you do struts of honor.




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