

单词 waitable




From wait + -able.


waitable (comparative more waitable, superlative most waitable)

  1. (computing) Implementing a wait/notify functionality.
    • 1997, Daniel Appleman, Dan Appleman's Visual Basic 5.0 programmer's guide to the Win32 API, Ziff-Davis Press, →ISBN, page 1160:
      This function cancels a waitable timer operation. The timer remains in its current state and will not restart until explicitly started []
    • 2005, Alex Martelli et al., Python Cookbook, Second Edition, O'Reilly Media, Inc., →ISBN, page 381:
      In a [certain] Win32 application, you need to process messages, but you also want to wait for kernel-level waitable objects, and coordinate several activities.
  2. (of a period of time) Worth waiting, reasonable to wait.
    • 2000 September 17, "PHill" (username), "Re: Abit KG7 worth the wait?", in alt.comp.hardware.overclocking.amd, Usenet:
      [] ---2 months can change a lot--- bringing up '2 years' is ridiculous. 2 months is waitable.
  3. Available or accessible within a period of time that is reasonable to wait.
    • 1998 July 6, "CapnHook" (username), "HELP!!!!!!!!!!", in alt.disney.disneyland, Usenet:
      [] can someone tell me how busy tomorrowland has been is it waitable or does it like take 3 hrs like some were saying to get on RR []




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