

单词 vēsture


See also: vesture and vēsturē



Coined by Atis Kronvalds in 1868, derived from vēstīt (to herald, to announce) (compare vēsts (news)). Its form was influenced by Ancient Greek ἱστορίᾱ (historíā, inquiry, examination, research; news; retelling; history); Kronvalds cited a word historija (no longer in use) as a synonym of vēsture. The concept of history had previously been expressed as stāsti (stories), pasaules stāsti (world stories) (compare German Geschichte (stories; history)), and, in the mid-19th century, also with the Russian-derived term istorija (compare исто́рия (istórija)).[1]


  • IPA(key): [væ̀ːstuɾɛ]


vēsture f (5th declension)

  1. history (a chain of events, a process seen as evolving in time)
    Zemes ģeoloģiskā vēsturethe Earth's geological history
    pilsētas, novada vēsturecity, regional history
    latviešu kultūras vēsturehistory of Latvian culture
  2. history (the past; past events)
    tas pieder vēstureithis is (lit. belongs to) history
    mācīties no vēsturesto learn from history
    vēstures faktihistorical facts
    ieiet vēstureto enter history (= become famous)
  3. history (the science that studies the development of human societies in time)
    vēstures fakultāte, muzejshistory faculty, museum
    vēstures filozofijaphilosophy of history
    vēstures avotihistorical sources
    pilsētas vēstures arhīvscity's historical archive
    studēt mākslas vēstureto study art history
    seno, senāko laiku vēstureolder times (= ancient) history
    viduslaiku vēsturemiddle times (= medieval) history
    jauno, jaunāko laiku vēsturenewer times (= modern) history


Derived terms

  • vēsturisks
  • vēsturnieks


  1. Karulis, Konstantīns (1992), vēsture”, in Latviešu Etimoloģijas Vārdnīca (in Latvian), Rīga: AVOTS, →ISBN




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