

单词 vouch



WOTD – 17 November 2021


The verb is derived from Middle English vouchen (to call, summon; to provide; to make available, proffer; to affirm, declare formally) [and other forms],[1] from Anglo-Norman vocher, voucher, woucher, and Old French vocher, voucher, vochier (to call, summon; to claim; to call upon, invoke; to denounce) [and other forms], from Latin vocāre,[2] the present active infinitive of vocō (to call, summon; to call upon, invoke; to designate, name; to bring or put (into a condition or state)), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *wekʷ- (to sound out; to speak).

Verb sense 6.1 (“to summon (someone) into court to establish a warranty of title to land”) in the form vouch to warrant or vouch to warranty is a calque of Anglo-Norman and Old French voucher a garant.[2]

The noun is derived from the verb.[3]


  • (Received Pronunciation, General American) IPA(key): /ˈvaʊt͡ʃ/
  • (file)
  • Rhymes: -aʊtʃ


vouch (third-person singular simple present vouches, present participle vouching, simple past and past participle vouched)

  1. (transitive)
    1. To call on (someone) to be a witness to something.
      • 1717, John Dryden, “Book XIII. [The Speeches of Ajax and Ulysses.]”, in Ovid’s Metamorphoses in Fifteen Books. [], London: [] Jacob Tonson, [], OCLC 731548838, page 436:
        Nor need I ſpeak my Deeds, for thoſe you ſee,
        The Sun and Day are Witneſſes for me.
        Let him who fights unſeen, relate his own,
        And vouch the ſilent Stars, and conſcious Moon.
    2. To cite or rely on (an authority, a written work, etc.) in support of one's actions or opinions.
      Synonym: (archaic) obtest
      • 1531, Thomas Elyot, “Of Experience whiche haue Preceded Our Tyme, with a Defence of Histories”, in Ernest Rhys, editor, The Boke Named the Governour [] (Everyman’s Library), London: J[oseph] M[alaby] Dent & Co; New York, N.Y.: E[dward] P[ayson] Dutton & Co, published [1907], OCLC 1026313858, 3rd book, page 283:
        But the most catholike and renoumed doctours of Christes religion in the corroboration of their argumentes and sentences, do alledge the same histories and vouche (as I mought say) to their ayde the autoritie of the writars.
      • 1623, Iohn Speed [i.e., John Speed], “Edvvard the First, []”, in The Historie of Great Britaine vnder the Conqvests of the Romans, Saxons, Danes and Normans. [], 2nd edition, London: [] Iohn Beale, for George Hvmble, [], OCLC 150671135, book 10, paragraph 19, page 651, column 2:
        [F]or more credit to which aſſertion hee vouched ſundry books, and acts, []
      • 1692 June 30 (Gregorian calendar), Philanthropus [pseudonym; John Locke], “On the Usefulness of Force in Matters of Religion”, in A Third Letter for Toleration, [], London: [] Awnsham and John Churchill, [], OCLC 1227558252, page 219:
        Pray tell us where your moderate (for great ones you acknowledg to do harm, and to be uſeleſs) Penalties have been uſed, with ſuch Succeſs, that we may be paſt doubt too. If you can ſhew no ſuch place, do you not vouch Experience where you have none?
    3. To affirm or warrant the correctness or truth of (something); also, to affirm or warrant (the truth of an assertion or statement).
      Synonyms: attest, avouch, certify
      • c. 1604–1605 (date written), William Shakespeare, “All’s VVell, that Ends VVell”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act I, scene ii], page 232, column 1:
        Nay tis moſt credible, we heere receiue it,
        A certaintie vouch'd from our Coſin Auſtria, []
      • c. 1608–1609 (date written), William Shakespeare, “The Tragedy of Coriolanus”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act V, scene vi], page 29, column 1:
        Deliuer them this Paper: hauing read it,
        Bid them repayre to th' Market place, where I
        Euen in theirs, and in the Commons eares
        Will vouch the truth of it.
      • 1705 November 8 (Gregorian calendar), Francis Atterbury, “A Standing Revelation, the Best Means of Conviction. A Sermon Preach’d before Her Majesty, at St. James’s Chapel, on Sunday, October 28. 1705, being the Festival of St. Simon and St. Jude.”, in Fourteen Sermons Preach’d on Several Occasions. [], London: [] E. P. [Edmund Parker?] for Jonah Bowyer, [], published 1708, OCLC 1015443083, page 343:
        [T]hey have made him aſham'd firſt to Vouch the Truth of the Relation, and afterwards even to Credit it.
      • 1877 September 14, Robert Browning, “La Saisiaz”, in La Saisiaz: The Two Poets of Croisic, London: Smith, Elder, & Co., [], published 1878, OCLC 270807938, page 13:
        Hold it fast and guard it well!
        Go and see and vouch for certain, then come back and never tell
        Living soul but us; and haply, prove our sky from cloud as clear,
        There may we four meet, praise fortune just as now, another year!
    4. To bear witness or testify to the nature or qualities (of someone or something).
      • 1685 March 4 (Gregorian calendar); first published 1692, Robert South, “A Sermon Preached at the Westminster-Abbey, February 22. 1684–5 [Julian calendar]”, in Twelve Sermons Preached upon Several Occasions, volume I, 6th edition, London: [] J[ames] Bettenham, for Jonah Bowyer, [], published 1727, OCLC 21766567, pages 318–319:
        If a Man ſucceeds in any Attempt, though undertook with never ſo much Folly and Raſhneſs, his Succeſs ſhall vouch him a Politician; and good Luck ſhall paſs for deep Contrivance: []
    5. To back, confirm, or support (someone or something) with credible evidence or proof.
      • 1667, John Milton, “Book V”, in Paradise Lost. [], London: [] [Samuel Simmons], [], OCLC 228722708; republished as Paradise Lost in Ten Books: [], London: Basil Montagu Pickering [], 1873, OCLC 230729554, lines 65–66:
        [M]ee damp horror chil'd
        At ſuch bold words voucht with a deed ſo bold: []
    6. (archaic) Synonym of vouchsafe (to condescendingly or graciously give or grant (something))
      • 1613–1614 (date written), John Fletcher; William Shak[e]speare, The Two Noble Kinsmen: [], London: [] Tho[mas] Cotes, for Iohn Waterson; [], published 1634, OCLC 1170464517, Act V, scene iv, page 88:
        Our Maſter Mars
        Haſt vouch'd his Oracle, and to Arcite gave
        The grace of the Contention: So the Deities
        Have ſhewd due juſtice: []
    7. (archaic or obsolete) To assert, aver, or declare (something).
      • 1662 November 19 (Gregorian calendar); first published 1692, Robert South, “A Sermon Preached at the Cathedral-Church of St. Paul’s, November the 9th, 1662 [Julian calendar]”, in Twelve Sermons Preached upon Several Occasions, volume I, 6th edition, London: [] J[ames] Bettenham, for Jonah Bowyer, [], published 1727, OCLC 21766567, page 48:
        But wherein then according to their Opinion did this Image of God conſiſt? Why, in that Power and Dominion that God gave Adam over the Creatures: In that he was vouched his immediate Deputy upon Earth, the Viceroy of the Creation, and Lord-Lieutenant of the World.
      • 1817 December (indicated as 1818), Percy B[ysshe] Shelley, “Canto Ninth”, in Laon and Cythna; or, The Revolution of the Golden City: A Vision of the Nineteenth Century. [], London: [] [F]or Sherwood, Neely, & Jones, []; and C[harles] and J[ames] Ollier, []; by B. M‘Millan, [], OCLC 29621340, stanza XXXI, page 208:
        [W]hat we have done
        None shall dare vouch, tho' it be truly known; []
    8. (law)
      1. In full vouch to warrant or vouch to warranty: to summon (someone) into court to establish a warranty of title to land.
        • 1628, Edw[ard] Coke, “Homage Auncestrel”, in The First Part of the Institvtes of the Lawes of England. [], London: [] [Adam Islip] for the Societe of Stationers, OCLC 84760833, book 2, chapter 7, section 145, folio 102, recto:
          [W]hen the Tenant being impleaded within a particular iuriſdiction (as in London or the like) voucheth one to warranty and prayes that he may be ſummoned in ſome other county out of the iuriſdiction of that Court: this is called a foreine Voucher, []
        • 1766, William Blackstone, “Of Alienation by Matter of Record”, in Commentaries on the Laws of England, book II (Of the Rights of Things), Oxford, Oxfordshire: [] Clarendon Press, OCLC 65350522, page 359:
          If Edwards therefore be tenant of the freehold in poſſeſſion, and John Barker be tenant in tail in remainder, here Edwards doth firſt vouch Barker, and then Barker vouches Jacob Morland the common vouchee; []
      2. Followed by over: of a vouchee (a person summoned to court to establish a warranty of title): to summon (someone) to court in their place.
        • 1766, William Blackstone, “Of Alienation by Matter of Record”, in Commentaries on the Laws of England, book II (Of the Rights of Things), Oxford, Oxfordshire: [] Clarendon Press, OCLC 65350522, page 359:
          [I]t is now uſual always to have a recovery with double voucher at the leaſt; by firſt conveying an eſtate of freehold to any indifferent perſon, againſt whom the praecipe is brought; and then he vouches the tenant in tail, who vouches over the common vouchee.
      3. (obsolete) To guarantee legal title (to something).
        • c. 1599–1602 (date written), William Shakespeare, The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke: [] (Second Quarto), London: [] I[ames] R[oberts] for N[icholas] L[ing] [], published 1604, OCLC 760858814, [Act V, scene i]:
          [W]ill vouchers vouch him no more of his purchaſes & doubles then the length and breadth of a payre of Indentures?
        • a. 1662 (date written), Thomas Fuller, “Of the Authors from whom Our Intelligence in the Following Work hath been Derived”, in The History of the Worthies of England, London: [] J[ohn] G[rismond,] W[illiam] L[eybourne] and W[illiam] G[odbid], published 1662, OCLC 418859860, page 64:
          If one ignorantly buyeth ſtolen Cattel, and hath them fairly vouched unto him, and publickly in an open Fair payeth Tole for them, he cannot be damnified thereby: []
  2. (intransitive) Often followed by for.
    1. To bear witness or testify; to guarantee or sponsor.
      I can vouch that he wasn’t at the scene of the crime.
      • c. 1603–1604 (date written), William Shakespeare, “Measure for Measure”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act V, scene i], page 82, column 1:
        What can you vouch againſt him, Signior Lucio? Is this the man that you did tell vs of?
      • c. 1603–1604 (date written), William Shakespeare, The Tragœdy of Othello, the Moore of Venice. [] (First Quarto), London: [] N[icholas] O[kes] for Thomas Walkley, [], published 1622, OCLC 724111485, [Act I, scene iii], page 12:
        I therefore vouch againe,
        That with ſome mixtures povverfull ore the blood,
        Or vvith ſome dram coniur'd to this effect,
        He vvrought vpon her.
      • c. 1604–1605 (date written), William Shakespeare, “All’s VVell, that Ends VVell”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act II, scene v], page 240, column 2:
        I am not worthie of the wealth I owe,
        Nor dare I ſay 'tis mine: and yet it is,
        But like a timorous theefe, moſt faine would ſteale
        What law does vouch mine owne.
      • 1714 February, Jonathan Swift, “The Publick Spirit of the Whigs. Set forth in Their Generous Encouragement of the Author of the Crisis. []”, in Thomas Sheridan and John Nichols, editors, The Works of the Rev. Jonathan Swift, [], volume III, new edition, London: [] J[oseph] Johnson, [], published 1801, OCLC 1184656746, page 325:
        Here he directly charges her majesty with delivering a falsehood to her parliament from the throne; and declares he will not believe her, until the elector of Hanover himself shall vouch for the truth of what she has so solemnly affirmed.
      • 1813 January 27, [Jane Austen], chapter XI, in Pride and Prejudice, volume I, London: [] [George Sidney] for T[homas] Egerton [], OCLC 38659585, page 129:
        My temper I dare not vouch for.—It is I believe too little yielding—certainly too little for the convenience of the world.
      • 1828 May 15, [Walter Scott], chapter XI, in Chronicles of the Canongate. Second Series. [] (The Fair Maid of Perth), volume III, Edinburgh: [] [Ballantyne and Co.] for Cadell and Co.; London: Simpkin and Marshall, OCLC 17487293, page 313:
        [T]hey are still less Christian men, for the Prior of the Dominicans will vouch for me, that they are more than half heathen.
    2. To provide evidence or proof.
    3. To express confidence in or take responsibility for (the correctness or truth of) something.
      • 1815, Walter Scott, “Canto First”, in The Lord of the Isles, a Poem, Edinburgh: [] [F]or Archibald Constable and Co. []; London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown; by James Ballantyne and Co., [], OCLC 25523028, stanza VI, page 12:
        Lives still such maid?—Fair damsels say,
        For further vouches not my lay,
        Save that such lived in Britain's isle,
        Where Lorn's bright Edith scorn'd to smile.
        That is, Scott's lay or poem does not vouch further for the truth of the previous statement.
      • 1826, [Mary Shelley], chapter III, in The Last Man. [], volume I, London: Henry Colburn, [], OCLC 230675575, page 78:
        The tears that suffused my sister's eyes when I mentioned our friend, and her heightened colour seemed to vouch for the truth of the reports that had reached me.


Derived terms

  • vouched (adjective)
  • vouching (noun)
  • voucher (noun)
  • avouch
  • avoucher
  • avouchment
  • vouchsafe
  • vouchsafement
  • vouchsafing


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vouch (plural vouches)

  1. (archaic or obsolete) An assertion, a declaration; also, a formal attestation or warrant of the correctness or truth of something.
    • c. 1603–1604 (date written), William Shakespeare, “Measure for Measure”, in Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, and Ed[ward] Blount, published 1623, OCLC 606515358, [Act II, scene iv], page 70, column 1:
      VVho will beleeue thee Iſabell?
      My vnſoild name, th' auſteereneſſe of my life,
      My vouch againſt you, and my place i'th State,
      VVill ſo your accuſation ouer-vveigh,
      That you ſhall ſtifle in your ovvne report,
      And ſmell of calumnie.


  1. vǒuchen, v.”, in MED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, 2007.
  2. vouch, v.”, in OED Online , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, September 2021; vouch, v.”, in Lexico, Dictionary.com; Oxford University Press, 2019–2022.
  3. vouch, n.”, in OED Online , Oxford, Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press, June 2021.




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