释义 |
安排安排[ān pái]1.■arrange; plan; fix up; make arrangements for; settle; lay on sth.; posit; timing; set-up; lay-out:安排本年度的生产plan this year's production;安排参观游览arrange visits and sightseeing trips;长计划, 短安排long-term plans with short-term arrangements;安排周全的日程balanced itinerary;安排一定时间学习set aside a certain time for study;安排不当misorient; misorientate;安排妥贴dispose; already on the list;合理安排人力rational disposition of manpower;重新安排河山reshape rivers and mountains; remake nature;安排好人民的生活make adequate arrangements for the daily life of the people;安排修理place under repair;告诉他, 一切我们都安排好了。Tell him we've fixed it all up.今晚有什么安排吗?Is there anything planned for tonight?这次会议已安排在星期二晚上举行。The meeting has been arranged for Tuesday evening.安排几场演出招待那些外宾。Stage shows were laid on to entertain the foreign guests. |