套环钻 {土} annular borer;
套环: 套环钻 {土} annular borer;
定期产量 standing crop;
定期付款 payment on terms; payable at a definite time; payable on a fixed day;
定期付款汇票 bill payable on a stated date;
定期保险 time policy [insurance]; (fixed) term insurance;
定期保险单 time policy;
定期保险展期 renewal term insurance;
定期信用证 time letter of credit;
定期修理 preventive overhaul; periodic repair;
定期出现 periodicity;
定期刊物 periodical publication; periodical;
定期可伐量 allowable periodic cut;
定期合同 fixed term contract;
定期喷发 {地} periodic eruption;
定期喷发火山 volcano of periodic eruption;
定期存款 fixed [term; time] deposits;
定期存款单 time certificate of deposit;
定期审计 regular audit;
定期客货轮 combination passenger-cargo line;
定期客轮 cabin-liner; passenger liner;
定期年终盘存 regular end-of-year inventory;
定期往返两地 commuter;
定期徒刑 penal for a fixed time;
定期快轮 express liner;
定期抵押 term mortgage;
定期担保放款 time loan secured;
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