

单词 unfortunant




unfortunant (not comparable)

  1. Misconstruction of unfortunate.
    • 1840-1877, J. D. Lee, quoted in 2012, Will Bagley, Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows, University of Oklahoma Press (→ISBN), page 274:
      "[Young] was innocent of the charge & knew nothing of the unfortunant affair until it was all over."
    • 1846 July 4, a record quoted in 1867, Local Records: Or, Historical Register of Remarkable Events which Have Occurred in Northumberland and Durham, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and Berwick-upon-Tweed, with Biographical Notices of Deceased Persons of Talent, Eccentricity, and Longevity, page 208:
      [I]t appeared certain that the unfortunant girl had come to a violent end, but nothing was ever elicited to clear up the mystery. July 5.
    • 1974, Turtle Creek Local Protection Project, Yukon: Environmental Impact Statement
      It is unfortunant that people mistakenly build near stream channels where flooding is to be expected. We hope that in the future, the alternative non structual methods of the BOR are emphasized--i.e. proper zoning. Sincerely yours, /moz ...




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