

单词 under the table

under the table

See also: under-the-table


Alternative forms

  • under-the-table (attributive use)

Prepositional phrase

under the table

  1. (adjectival) Secret; covert; undisclosed.
    • 2015, Elizabeth Royte, Vultures Are Revolting. Here’s Why We Need to Save Them., National Geographic (December 2015)
      The men tie up their dogs, retrieve what’s left of the lion’s kill, and sprinkle it with a generic form of Furadan, a cheap, fast-acting pesticide that’s readily available under the table.
  2. (adverbial) Secretly; covertly; undisclosedly.
    I was paid under the table, so I didn't have to pay taxes on the income but I couldn't complain when I was cheated.
  3. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see under, table.


See also

  • drink someone under the table
  • talk someone under the table
  • under the counter




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