

单词 uncounterfeited




un- + counterfeited


uncounterfeited (not comparable)

  1. Not counterfeited; genuine.
    • 1571, Arthur Golding, The Psalmes of David and others. With M. John Calvins Commentaries, “Epistle Dedicatorie,”
      If your vertues be uncounterfayted, if your religion be sound and pure, if your doings be according to true godlines: you shal be a stay to your cuntrie []
    • 1755, Eliza Haywood (pseudonym Exploralibus), The Invisible Spy, London: T. Gardner, Volume 3, Book 6, Chapter 1, p. 175,
      But how great soever the satisfaction was which this happy couple received from my behaviour towards them, I think it could scarce exceed what I felt in my own bosom, on finding so perfect a harmony, so uncounterfeited a tenderness, so warm an affection, reciprocally given and paid between two persons united in the manner they were []
    • 1912, Robert Jones Burdette, Old Time and Young Tom, Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, “Favorites,” pp. 148-149,
      They laughed with uncounterfeited glee as the narrator told with eloquent pantomime, how he had prepared to receive the punishment of the rod with forty stripes or so, plus as many more as the rod would stand []




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