声光成像扫描器 acousto-optic image scanning device;
声光: 声光成像扫描器 acousto-optic image scanning device;
指令组合 packing of orders
指令经济 command economy;
指令结构 order structure; command structure;
指令编码方案 command coding scheme;
指令网 {军} command net;
指令群 order bloc;
指令脉冲 {电子} command pulse;
指令舱 {航空} command module;
指令表 instruction repertory; instruction list; code repertoire; instruction catalogue; code repertory; instruction set; instruction table; vocabulary;
指令计数器 {自} location counter; program counter; sequence counter; instruction counter;
指令设备 commander equipment;
指令译码器 command decoder;
指令语言 command language;
指令跳光发生器 cue kit;
指令连发方式 command continual sending;
指令连续性 continuity of command;
指令追踪 instruction tracing;
指令逻辑 command logic;
指令遥控 command remote control;
指令遥控系统 command remote control system;
指令部件 instruction unit;
指令部分 operation part;
指令重发方式 command repetition sending;
指令重复执行 instruction retry;
指令长度码 instruction length code;
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更新时间:2025/3/10 10:41:49