

释义 声(聲)[shēng]1. (声音) sound; voice:沉闷的锣声the muffled sound of the gong;刺耳的金属声sharp metallic sound;大海的波涛声the voice of the sea;大 [低, 柔, 尖, 粗]声地in a loud [hushed, soft, shrill, rough] voice;异口同声with one voice;雨声the sound of raindrops;地震开始时发出低沉的隆隆声。The earthquake began with a deep [low] rumbling sound.脚步声消失了。The sound of the footsteps died away.2. (名声) reputation:声誉reputation; fame; prestige3. (声母) initial consonant (of a Chinese syllable):双声alliteration4. (声调) tone:四声the four tones in classical and modern Chinese5. (姓氏) a surname:声伯Sheng Bo1.(发出声音; 宣布; 陈述) make a sound; declare; announce:不声不响not utter a word; keep quiet1.(表示声音发出的次数):一声炮响the report of a cannon;我喊了他两声。I called him twice.




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