壁孔口 pit aperture;
壁孔: 壁孔口 pit aperture;
(每一笔的开始) the start of each stroke in writing a Chinese character
(每年出版一次的刊物) annual; annals
(每色花筒)印花面积 peg coverage;
(比不上) cannot compare with; no match for:
(比划) measure with one's hand or arm; make a gesture of measuring:
(比前一时期再往前的) before last:
(比喻不可长久依傍的权势) backer that one can only depend on temporarily
(比喻不得志) full of frustrations; unlucky; bad luck:
(比喻严酷; 惨酷) bloody; bloodily
(比喻义子) adopted son
(比喻书信) letter; mail
(比喻事情遇阻停顿) deadlock; be held up; be at a deadlock; reach a deadlock:
(比喻人民的血汗和劳动果实) fruits of the people's labour; wealth of the people
(比喻以某种好听的词句或名义宣扬) talk glibly about; call out loudly for:
(比喻保护自己的人和物) a person or thing that protects one from punishment or censure; shield
(比喻做爪牙的人) lackeys; hired thugs
(比喻内容贫乏, 枯燥无味) meager
(比喻写文章、画画运笔不拘束) write or paint freely
(比喻初次) maiden:
(比喻利己的好处) profit; (improper) fringe benefit:
(比喻勇猛的军队) brave troops
(比喻包庇) shield; harbour; protect; conceal
(比喻华而不实) showy; without solid worth
(比喻口才、 言辞) eloquence; one's words; what one says
(比喻坚强的、能起支柱作用的个人或集体) mainstay:
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