

单词 -tı




  • IPA(key): /tɯ/
  • IPA(key): /ti/
  • IPA(key): /tu/
  • IPA(key): /ty/


preceding vowel
A / IE / İO / UÖ / Ü

Usage notes

  • Most commonly used with the suffix -n (derives reflexive and passive forms of verbs), which is why the suffix is often classified in full as -ıntı[1][2], even though some nouns derived in this way are made from verbs that do not have reflexive forms; i.e akıntı, üzüntü, sarsıntı.


  1. Derives nouns from verbs, of a result or product of the action, with the suffix -n, which derives Reflexive forms of verbs.
    al- (to take) + -ın- (to take offense) + -tıalıntı (quotation, citation)
    kaşı- (transitive; to itch, scratch) + -n- (reflexive; to itch, to scratch oneself) + -tıkaşıntı (itch, itchiness)
    gez- (to wander around, to travel) + -in- (to wander around, to walk about) + -tigezinti (stroll, trip)
    gör- (to see) + -ün- (to appear, to come in sight) + -tügörüntü (image, sight, view)
    sık- (to squeeze, to bore) + -ın- (to strain oneself, to force oneself) + -tısıkıntı (boredom, distress, annoyance)
    çırp- (to clap, to beat, to whip) + -ın- (to struggle, to flutter) + -tıçırpıntı (fluttering, shaking)
    sığ- (to fit in, to squeeze in) + -ın- (to take refuge in, to take shelter in) + -tısığıntı (a person whose stay is unwanted or unwelcome)
    sapla- (to stab, to dig into, to jab) + -n- (to sink into, to be stuck in) + -tısaplantı (obsession, fixation)
    eğle- (transitive; to stall, to keep waiting) + -n- (to have fun, to enjoy oneself, to wait somewhere) + -tieğlenti (party, enjoyable meeting)
    kur- (to set, to build) + -un- (to make up (in mind), to form ideas) + -tukuruntu (wild fancy, delusion)
    söyle- (to say, to tell) + -n- (to talk to oneself, to complain) + -tisöylenti (rumor)
  2. Some verb roots either do not have Reflexive forms due to being New Turkish words derived through false analogy[3] or these forms fell off use in modern Turkish.
    çök- (to collapse, to cave in) + -ün- + -tüçöküntü (collapse, breakdown) ("çökünmek" does not exist in modern Turkish. Compare with چوكنمك (t͡ʃœ.cyn.mec) in Ottoman Turkish.)[4]
    çöz- (to solve, to untangle, to dissolve) + -el- + -tiçözelti (solution, resulting substance of dissolution) (Derived through false analogy to çökmek into çökelmek into çökelti; "çözelmek" does not exist as a separate verb.)[5]
    ak- (to flow) + -ın- + -tıakıntı (flow, current, stream)
    ayır- (to separate, to split) + -ın- + -tıayrıntı (detail)
    üz- (to upset, to aggrieve) + -ün- + -tüüzüntü (sorrow, grief)
    sız- (to leak, to ooze) + -ın- + -tısızıntı (leak, leakage)
    sars- (to shake, to jolt) + -ın- + -tısarsıntı (shake, concussion, shock)
    bekle- (to wait, to expect) + -n- + -tibeklenti (expectation)
  3. Derives onomatopoeic nouns, with suffixes -ır or -ıl, which derive onomatopoeic verbs in Turkic dialects[6].
    çıt (click or crack sound) + -ır- + -tıçıtırtı (clicking, cracking)
    fıs (soft hiss sound) + -ıl- + -tıfısıltı (whisper, whispering)
    gür (rumble or clatter sound) + -ül- + -tügürültü (noise, rumbling)
    mır (murmur sound) + -ıl- + -tımırıltı (murmuring, mumbling)
  4. Derives nouns with the suffix -ar, which derives intransitive verbs from the names of colors[7], of an area that turns that color.
    kara (black) + -ar- (to turn black) + -tıkarartı (darkness, blackness, shadow)
    ak (white, light) + -ar- (to turn white) + -tıağartı (whitening, breaking of dawn)
    mor (purple) + -ar- (to turn purple) + -tımorartı (bruise, a purplish spot)

Derived terms

Turkish terms suffixed with -tı


  1. Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–), "+(In)tI" - in Nişanyan Sözlük
  2. SELVİ, Ceren. -IntI Yapım Ekinin Türkçe Ulusal Derlem’de Yer Alan Semantik Prozodi Görünümleri. bitig: 43.
  3. Nişanyan, Sevan (2018). Nişanyan Sözlük Çağdaş Türkçenin Etimolojisi. İstanbul:Liber Plus Yayınları.
  4. Redhouse, James W. (1890), چوكنمك”, in A Turkish and English Lexicon, Constantinople: A. H. Boyajian, page 739
  5. Balyemez, S. (2018). Türkiye Türkçesinde Kapalı Gövde Örnekleri. Atatürk Üniversitesi Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi, (63), 243-266.
  6. Omuralieva, A. (2020). Türkiye Türkçesinde Ses Yansımalı Fiillerin Yapısı. Uşak Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 13(12).
  7. Nişanyan, Sevan (2002–), "+(g)Ar-" - in Nişanyan Sözlük




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