

单词 twk




Initialism of terugwerkende kracht.


twk m or f (uncountable, diminutive twk'tje n)

  1. (Suriname) salary or pension paid in arrears
    • 2020 March 15, Gilliamo Orban, “Gepensioneerden boos op lakse regering [Pensioners angry at lax government]”, in De Ware Tijd, retrieved 11 January 2021:
      "De mensen willen vooral weten in welke fases de twk uitbetaald zal worden. Wijdenbosch heeft na enkele dagen van besprekingen de bond telefonisch beloofd dat deze maand één maand twk zal worden uitbetaald en we weten niet of we dat de volgende maand gaan krijgen, want daarover is er niets gezegd", gist BBGO-voorzitter Renate Wouden.
      "Above all, people want to know at what stages the pension payments due will be made. After a few days of discussions, Wijdenbosch promised the union by telephone that one month's overdue pension would be paid this month, and we do not know whether we will get it next month, because nothing has been said about that", BBGO chairperson Renate Wouden is left wondering.
  2. (Suriname) backdated payrise or bonus
    • 2021 January 6, “CLO wil twk-betaling terug in salaris ambtenaren [CLO wants backdated bonus payment readded to salary civil servants]”, in De Ware Tijd, retrieved 11 January 2021:
      De vakorganisatie roept president Chandrikapersad Santokhi per brief op de twk per ommegaande "terug te brengen op het loon en vooralsnog de inhaalmanoeuvre van 25 procent toe te bedelen aan de landsdienaren".
      In a letter to President Chandrikapersad Santokhi, the union is calling for the backdated bonus to be "added to the salary again immediately, and to allocate the 25% catch-up measure to the civil servants for the time being."




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