

单词 Twitterbot




Twitter + -bot


Twitterbot (plural Twitterbots)

  1. A program used to produce automated posts on the microblogging service Twitter; by extension, a Twitter account featuring posts produced by such a program.
    • 2013, James Allen-Robertson, Digital Culture Industry: A History of Digital Distribution, Palgrave Macmillan, →ISBN, page 1:
      Automated Twitterbots collected all tweets related to the trial – marked by the posters with the tag '#spectrial' – and distributed them as a central feed for anyone who wished to follow the debate in real time.
    • 2014, Pax Rasmussen, "News and ideas for a healthier, more sustainable future", Catalyst Magazine, Volume 33, Number 7, July 2014, page 12:
      Even better, they've set up a Twitterbot: Just send a tweet with a bike's serial number to @ISITSTOLEN and the bot will check both sites, and report back!
    • 2014, Toby Manhire, "The Wikipedia editors rumbled as government staffers", New Zealand Listener, 24 July 2014:
      That was flagged up by a Twitterbot, @RuGovEdits, an automated Twitter account that crawls the online encyclopedia for such edits.




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